2000-09-22 | 03:29:29
My body hates me. It's 3 thirty something in the morning, and Hartley and Archbishop are over here, and we're talking about Microsoft and Windows and other crap, and none of this is the problem.

The problem is that since noon Wednesday, I've had two hours of sleep. From 1 to 2 pm Thursday, and from about midnight to 1 am today while NOT watching Prison of the Dead. I mean, what I saw of the movie sucked, so I don't feel I missed anything. But obviously my body hates me, cause damn it, I need sleep. Please, let me sleep.

I don't know where this insomnia came from, but it had better get it's ass out of here, because I'm dying here. I mean, waking up before 10 in the morning is hard enough, I mean, I'm talking an actual physical strain here. Getting up and walking around with no sleep is dangerous. My muscles and bones and everything are ready to quit, so my heart increases the blood flow just to keep me moving, and I can feel it pumping that much harder.

I think I ought to...fuck, I don't know. At least there's a prerelease this weekend, and both of the tests I have tomorrow are going to be fine. And I have money, and the cards in Invasion look to kick ass. I'd be enthused if I were a normal person.

I need more people to read my diary. I need people to come here, and become enlightened, to adore and admire me, or revile and hate me, and then I can ignore them. Cause I'm so damn good at that. Fuck, I don't know. I don't care if anyone reads this or not. I only write in it cause it's another outlet for my boredom. No, it doesn't entertain me, but I'm weird. I have to share my boredom with others. Cause if I don't...well, it doesn't make an actual difference, but I do it anyway. I think to keep myself from going mad, or to cause other people to go mad, or whatever.

And Hartley asked why I'm not asleep. Do you know why? Neither do I. And you know what, someone is going to die. I don't know who, I don't know where, I don't know when, oh, wait, there they went. Oh well, that was nice then.

And then my penis fell off.

2000-09-22 - Yes, I'm still awake. No, I don't know why. No, this isn't helping.
2000-09-21 - I've lost my way.
2000-09-21 - Today's randomness level is...
2000-09-19 - M-u-s-t S-l-e-e-p
2000-09-18 - A bunch of stuff I need to say.

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ICQ#48848762 AIM: Dagromorph
YIM: Chris5675 MSNM: [email protected]