2001-06-12 | 1:10 a.m.
A few days ago I got e-mail from Jennifer Armor commenting on the humorous turns life takes sometimes. For those who don't know, I wrote an entry a while back talking about some of the games I'm working on. In it I mention Jenny Armor, an piece of equipment for a console RPG. Shortly after that, I noticed people were searching for Jenny Armor and finding my diary. That's when I first realized that there were actual people named Jenny Armor. I didn't think much of it, until one of those Jenny Armor's decided to contact me. Now if I ever make the game I really want to give her a cameo appearance, even if I never figure out just what the hell it is Jenny Armor is supposed to to.

It really is funny though. To me, Jenny is a type of Armor. But to some people, Armor is a type of Jenny.

I know I've been a little sparse on my entries lately. I've had some decent responses to my latest entries about the Powers. And while it's all good passing on messages, I can't do it forever. Don't worry, I'm sure there'll be more, whenever I don't have anything to say and feel like demystifying the universe a little bit for my readers I'll try to accurately describe another one.

Anyway, the point was, June and the end of May have seen fewer entries than a lot of earlier months. I just haven't felt like writing anything recently. I'm a lot more dead these days than I used to be. Or at the very least that unnatural calm of mine is persisting. I assume it means something, has some sort of import, but I've yet to figure it out. And, of course, every now and then I think on Permeability, Possession, Pain.

Sometimes, I have to remember that symbols are only as useful as their meaning, and sometimes symbols mean nothing.

I've been thinking some more about time. I thought about the other three dimensions, wondering whether time was a dimension or not. Hyperspace is not the fourth dimension. I mean, it's just not logical. We use Hyperspace as a shortcut through normal space, but if you look at hyperspace as the fourth dimension, that would mean that we move through hyperspace already, and that space is curved along the fourth dimensional axis. That means that when we move through normal space, we're also moving through hyperspace, but instead of going straight down, as it were, we're going along a hyperspatial curve.

Time as the fourth dimension is much more realistic. It's already obvious we're moving through time, and we're going straight through it. There doesn't appear to be any sort of temporal curvature, or rather, spatial curvature through time, although if there were, it might help prove those theories that say the faster you go through space the slower you go through time. Of course, there are complications. If time is the fourth dimension, then you're going to have to stop saying space time, because that assumes the two are interdependent. But dimensions are independent of each other. You can go up without going forward or right. The z-axis is totally independent of the x and y axes. Therefore time, the t axis for lack of a better variable, should also be independent, if we want to follow the physical laws that we've been given. So it should be possible to travel through time, independent of any travel through space, although not, of course necessary (which is good, cause if you travel through time without traveling through space, you're not going to end up in a very good place, since every object that occupies that space is moving, and it's in your best interest to move with it). The best thing about this, the most important thing, is that it implies, rightly I believe, that you can in fact move through space independent of your movement through time, or rather, move through space without moving through time. This is, of course, an extremely useful thing. Instantaneous transport to other galaxies anyone?

Yes, yes, that theory I mentioned earlier could make use of this. Perhaps as your movement through space over time increases, your movement through time decreases, but your movement through space does not. It's viable, I admit, but not the most logical of available conclusions.

And I realize this is a diary and most of you aren't big on the type of complicated scientific explorations I occasionally drop into, but you have to remember, these are steps on my own personal Path of Enlightenment. The better I understand the universe, the better I understand where in it, specifically, I belong.

Earth, incidentally, is probably not that place, but that's another discussion entirely.

I went to church sunday, as would be expected, and, as usual, it brought forward some new and different thoughts.

At one point I attempted to throw a tantrum, but I was much too calm. That's not what this is about though. This is about problem solving.

Problem solving is very important to me, because, the way I look at it, my entire life is a problem, and until I solve it the grand suckage that accompanies my every breath will never disperse.

The thing about problem solving, is that you can solve a problem in many different ways. There's never just one approach that will work, there are always many, many approaches.

This brings me to the story of David and Goliath. If you don't know this story..., you lucky bastard. But, for the sake of better understanding this entry, ask one of your Christian or Jewish friends, or, if you have none, search out a random Christian on ICQ or whatever, and ask them. Christians are heavy breeders, so there'll be plenty.

Anyway, David solved his problem with what was almost a laughable weapon, in the face of his enemy. Of course, admittedly, it's to be assumed he had help from his God. Not possessing a god of my own, or rather, possessing all gods and therefore being possessed by none, that is not a recourse I can make.

However, the use of the sling intrigues me. So, I analyzed it, as I am wont to do with things that are pretty straightforward.

David won using the simplest weapon. Is that he moral I should be after? I thought about it, but it doesn't seem quite the idea. So you read a bit farther, and you realize that the sling was a natural weapon for David. That, instead of using Saul's armor, he chose to use what he was most comfortable with, what was most natural to him.

So, I come before you now asking for your help. Realistically speaking, I know me better than anyone, but being close to the subject, as I am, I often miss things. So I have to ask you all, what do you think is my most natural weapon?

Understand, I don't mean weapon in a violent sense. I'm merely attempting to solve a problem here. Any of my mental, emotional or physical traits could be the key. Which, in your experience, is the one that's most natural to me, the one I fall back on most readily? Is it Logic, or Free Floating Hostility, or Deep Thought, or Sarcasm or pure unadulterated Randomness? Or something not on that list at all? Please feel free to give me any opinion you have on the subject. You know how to reach me. I'm going to switch computers now, then attempt to get some of that stuff I've heard tale of. I think they call it...um...oh, what was it...sleep.

2001-06-12 - These days.
2001-06-11 - Chaos
2001-06-10 - Relief
2001-06-07 - Desire
2001-06-06 - Sorrow

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ICQ#48848762 AIM: Dagromorph
YIM: Chris5675 MSNM: [email protected]